I met Mika in the Spring of 2008. He was teaching a class on Magnified Healing. At that time, I was studying Reiki with his friend and classmate, the late Margaret Ann Case. She mentioned him during her extensive training program, and he was also spoken well of to me by a couple of my classmates. As I stood outside the room, waiting for the previous teacher and occupants to leave, I saw him approaching, dressed in white. It was an ethereal moment for me because his step conveyed such a glide to his movement, it was if his feet were not touching the ground. He appeared to be in this world and out this world at the same time. When he took a few steps past me, he stopped, turned his head and upper body and looked back at me. That moment was an eternity. He turned away and kept gliding. A connection was made.
With Mika, I studied a great deal of his curriculum. Mika, as a teacher, presented a seriousness about what he taught, really wanting you to gain a firm grasp of the material. In doing so, he was preparing us to be able to teach with a depth of understanding. In this way, he empowered his students. At the same time, he was not looking to create clones of himself. He encouraged us to form our own relationship with crystals. For myself, such engagements offered insights that crystal books do not even begin to offer. This connection was fostered with a required practicum, written assignments and presentation. Collectively, Mika’s teaching approach allows for the student to develop templates of understanding, a platform, that allows for continued growth and development.
My studies with Mika took place when he was driving a great many miles to teach these classes. Given he is not doing that, so much, I regard those times as blessed ones. I did take the time to review an online class. The quality of instruction is still there for those who cannot take the journey to learn from him in person. If you can take the trip, do it. There, you can have Mika observe you and you can ask questions. I think it is the better deal.
Just to let you know, Mika did not request this testimonial. I write this in appreciation for what he has provided me in my journey and in appreciation for the journey he continues to take. Mika has given so much to me and to us. It is about time he gets something back.
Thank you for everything, Mika. Keep going strong!
Anthony Adamson, New York
Everything is Consciousness
Consciousness is everything
Mika is recognized worldwide for his excellence in teaching on crystals, energy healing and Magnified Healing. Called “a teacher’s teacher and a healer’s healer” by many, Mika is a trained Crystal Keeper and Guardian, a Traditional Reiki and Karuna Reiki Master, Master Teacher of Magnified Healing and a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Mika’s teaching ministry includes structured classes in crystal and gemstone therapy. He was a teacher with Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy in Kauai and now certifies students under his own school, The Academy for Healing Arts. He also studied with Lazaris and has extensive experience with Marcel Vogel techniques. Mika lectures on crystals and healing at the United Nations in NYC.
Message from Mika
Greetings Everyone

Greetings Everyone and a Happy New Year to all of my friends, As I sit in my little retreat amongst the Crystals in Hot Springs I am guided to share what has come for me. As 2021 begins to unfold, and I am gearing up for the NEW Crystal Healing Tours and online courses ,
We look at all of the challenges we face for humanity and Mother Earth. “Big Momma” as she is affectionately known to me is sharing with us all us the Big changes down the road, we are asked to look to our hearts for the love we will need to muster up for ourselves and others we are reminded, “what ever does not come from love is fear”
We are still looking at a bleak economy to say the least, new wars around “old stuff” that is being cleared as we speak. We are asked to Hold Tight, buckle your seat belts and YES enjoy the ride.
Those of you who have become guardians and caretakers of your beloved friends of the Crystal Kingdom are asked to go to your crystals and connect with the Diamond at the Center of the Earth, “Big Momma” and connect to her energies there, allow whatever is going to unfold to happen without your needing to be a part of it.
“Become only the observer of it and stand in your power of whom you are and all you have done to be in the place your in.

Allow your strength to assist others as the collective energies from the past of Old Hurts, Victim hood ,Martyr and yes Control, to dissipate and clear. Remain steadfast and know through your Faith and Trust in the Divine and “The God Most High” has your Higher Self and Good in it’s Keeping.
There are still some who rely on the assistance of channeled information through others, and that is fine. But for those of us who are choosing now to Step into our Mastery, we must ask and answer our own questions through Source, and through all of the Ascended Masters who are waiting for us to ask.
We thank all of those for assisting us over the years in bringing through Channeled Messages from beyond. And now, our answers and guidance must come more through us.
I am being guided in these upcoming workshops and trips to assist those Self Masters in stepping up. Step up to who you are. Step up so your Light will shine as brightly as the stars you view in the heavens, in helping others

heed their call through Ascension.
Part of the Work I am bringing to these classes along the Joy of working with Crystals is to assist in the Empowerment for myself and others so we come out the other side of this Ascension time full of Hope and Joy and to Manifest our New Beginnings to Our New World of Light through Love, as we remain in gratitude, LOOK FOR MY NEW MASTER WORKSHOPS IN HOT SPRINGS, FALL SESSION
In Light through Love,